66k Anime YouTube Channel for sell

Amount of subscribers: 62k
Country of subscribers (majority): Different countries of the world
Topic/Niche: anime (boruto/narto)
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation):

Get 62K subscribers channel with 52 million views and **380 million impressions ** . Most of the channel visits come from google and YouTube searches . The channel’s audience is from different countries of the world . Monetization isn’t enabled yet but it does qualify . I advise you to make 2-6 original videos, then delete the existing videos now and then apply for monetization All subscriptions are real (I didn’t pay for the cheap ones, which explains the many views). One strick This is a good investment , so buy if you can.
If you need a channel link or other information about this channel, just write to me.
I accept: **paypal - bank transfe

Link please

hello bro im interested in the channel is the channel monetize and why do you want to sell the channel , and can you provide me the channel url

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