★ 7.1M Follower Instagram Account for SALE! OG Email included - Highly engaged - up to 1.8M likes per post! ★

Description: Country of followers (majority): worldwide
Amount of followers: 7.1M
Topic/Niche: BTS / KPOP / MUSIC
Does it include the OG (original) email?: Yes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic

Description: Selling a large Instagram account with 7.1M followers. The account makes 4-digits $ in monthly revenue through promotions and can still be scaled. We once made over 200k revenue in one day for a shop with feed and story promotions on the account network. Posts average 200k- 1.8M likes organically per post. All insights are available. Account is by far one of the biggest ones in that niche.

I also have other accounts with a large following that are open for SALE:

⮕ 1st acc: 12.3M Follower
⮕ 2nd acc: 9.1M Follower
⮕ 3rd acc: 9M Follower
⮕ 4th acc: 7.9M Follower
⮕ 5th acc: 7.7M Follower (SOLD)
⮕ 6th acc: 7.4M Follower
⮕ 7th acc: 7.1M Follower (THIS ACCOUNT)
⮕ 8th acc: 2.2M Follower (SOLD)

If interested to buy one acc or the whole network - PM!

Bulk discount is available.

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