Amount of readers: 587,620
Topic/Niche: Finance / Stock Trading
Price - Best Offer + Swapd Fees (Do not need to sell, so wont take low ball offers)
Promotions Used - None - Was featured in trending subreddits for a few months during Covid.
What you get - I am the original creator of the subreddit, and make the buyer’s chosen account an admin and owner. I currently have someone modding the sub, but after you have control of it you can do whatever you want. Again, this not come with the my personal user account just the ownership of the subreddit.
Description: I am looking to sell an un monetized 7 year old subreddit with 580k+ organic subs based on stock trading. It is 100% organically grown thanks to Reddit featuring it in the trending subreddits section for a month or 2 during Covid.
I created it along with a website that used the reddit posts each day and created a post on the website. Was making $750 a month from just referral links on that website doing nothing but adding the link in the sidebar and a sticky post. I actually ended up getting an offer for the website, but the guy wanted nothing to do with the subreddit, so I kept it. That site has been abandoned and the domain is just parked doing nothing. So whoever buys this subreddit could literally create a wordpress site related to the subreddit, post a few times a week with using popular reddit posts and creating content. Or go crazy and work with a seller and feature their services in the Wiki of the subreddit. I am just too busy to take advantage of it.
Currently the sub is fairly active, but the Reddit chatroom created for the subreddit is active 24/7. There are currently a few mods that I added to keep the spam down and they do pretty well. But whoever buys this can remove them and do whatever they want. If it was me, I would probably just let them do their thing until you determine what you want to do, as that looks way more natural.
Here are some numbers:
You will see sometimes when a stock goes crazy the sub gets a high volume of pageviews. But I had a refferal link for a stock trading app in the sidebar and I hit my max payout for the account within the first month. If you can present them a software, app or service/course that is legit, these people will buy it.
So why am I selling this if I can make money from it?
Because I do SEO for my 9-5 job and frankly I dont want to spend my non-working hours on the internet doing the same thing I do for my in-house SEO job. If someone takes the time to partner with the right company, app, or software this subreddit has massive potential. I just dont have the time or mental willpower to give it the time it deserves.
So DM me for the URL and we can go from there. Again I am not in a rush to sell this and know what it can make on autopilot using a wordpress blog. But I am willing to work with the buyer to show them what exactly I did with that wordpress site and you can do it again.
Make me a decent offer and my loss can be your gain.
Thanks All!