70k instagram about dogs

Country of followers (majority): 30%asia 50%europa 20%usa
Amount of followers: 70k
Topic/Niche: dogs and animals lovers
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Engagement Networks):

super active page 1500-2500 like & 20cm +2000 story view

Thank you for listing your property on SWAPD.

We have new policies in place requiring that all listings upload screenshots of the following pages:

  • User demographics (geolocation)
  • Recent activity

Virtually every potential buyer will ask for these two things from the start. To save time, please edit your original message and upload the requested data. Not only it will help you sell quicker, it will save you time from uploading the same screenshots to every potential buyer.

Please remember!

When posting screenshots, make sure you don’t reveal the URL/@Handle to the property. As you know, social profiles are subject to being deleted/hacked/etc. To protect your assets, protect their identities. Only send URLs/@handles to people who ask for it via a private message.

Failure to comply may result in the removal of your listing.

Thank you!

Your country of followers is not “30%asia 50%europa 20%usa”

According to buzzweb its 44.4% Egypt, 22.2% Iran, 11.1% Iraq, 11.1% United Kingdom, 11.1% Mexico.

I’m guessing this is botted but can’t say anything for sure. DWC

if your read cm under my post all write cm with europa and usa language


User has been suspended. This can be locked. @SWAPD