760k Pinterest, 110m monthly reach, generated 180k$ Profit

I built two of these accounts from scratch and one of them was purchased later one. I worked with two companies for a while and generated 180k$ in profit just re-directing traffic. All invoices and proof of revenue can be provided.

General Info:
3 Accounts totaling 760k followers - mostly female and mostly US
Generated 180k$ profit since April 2021
Generating 100 million impressions monthly with minimal work. Generated 1 billion impressions in 2021-2022.
Worked with global brands on promoting them via shared pin boards.
Has absolutely no costs.

The business makes money in providing other business the ability to rent pinterest boards. I have worked with 2 major companies that rented pinterest boards from me in exchange for a monthly retainer. The content itself is all repurposed from other social platforms. Management takes around 1 hour a day, if youre doing minimal work and posting around 15 times a day.




The auction has ended. The reserve wasn’t met, no winner.