7K subscribers monetised YouTube channel | +943K views +13.7M impressionsNo strikes No copyrights

Amount of subscribers: 7300
Country of subscribers (majority): Morocco
Topic/Niche: News
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation):
This YouTube channel presents an exciting opportunity for creators to connect with an engaged audience:

:busts_in_silhouette: Growing Subscriber Base: With 7.2K subscribers, the channel has cultivated a dedicated community of viewers who actively engage with the content.

:eyes: Impressive View Count: Videos on this channel have amassed a total of 943K views, indicating a strong appeal to the audience.

:alarm_clock: Substantial Watch Hours: Boasting 124K watch hours, the channel demonstrates significant viewer engagement, reflecting the quality and relevance of its content.

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Wide Reach: With 13.7 million impressions, the channel has made a notable impact, reaching a broad audience and attracting new viewers.

:moneybag: Monetization Potential: Fully monetized and ready to generate revenue from views, the channel offers an opportunity for creators to earn income from their content.

:no_entry_sign: Clean Record: With no strikes or copyright issues, the channel provides a safe and reliable platform for creators to share their content without any legal hurdles.

This channel is well-positioned for further growth and success, offering creators the chance to reach a vibrant community of active and genuine subscribers.

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Hey can you dm me the handle?