812k Tech IG account with $1500 monthly income!

Country of followers: international with India first (14%), and USA second (11%)
Amount of followers: 812,000
Topic/Niche: Technology/Gadgets
Does it include the OG (original) email?: YES
Promotion methods used?: ALL ORGANIC

:star: I’m selling one of the most engaging Instagram accounts on SWAPD, with proven income, good growth, and the OG email!

:black_circle: The account earns about $1500/month in income solely from story and feed ads. All ad income is from brands reaching out to me through DM with no outreach on my behalf. There has been no attempts at creating a dropshipping store, affiliate marketing, etc; all of which could significantly increase monthly income. There will be screenshots below of PayPal statements from the last 2 months which show about $2800 in income over the last 60 days.

:black_circle: The average post on the account gets about 400k impressions and the average story gets about 50k views.

:black_circle: The account grows at about 15k followers/month.

:black_circle: The reason I’m selling is because I’ve secured a full time job that I’ve been trying to get for months. I’ve been working at the job for over a week now and you can see that the quantity of posts per day has gone from 3-4 to about 2. That being said, this job requires my time for over 8 hours a day and its not practical to work the job and run the account. I want a buyer that will put a lot of time into the account and use it to its full potential:)




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Made $700 in ad revenue in the last 7 days


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