842k Gym Page TOP USA

Country of followers (majority): USA/ UK
Amount of followers:842K
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): ORGANIC


Selling a great page. Only verified users ask for details.
all previous posts were deleted as was told i could get monetisation back this way. have posted recently but not as much as i would like.

no violations.

Page created in 2016

can you post something on the page so we see post reach? it’s kind of crazy to want people to pay $13K for a page with no posts.

Have scheduled a load of memes in. Will update the insights at weekend!

thank you.

Please DM link


did any of those posts go up?

they did but i havent posted properly since last friday, ill just put up the insights for the last 28 days.

havent posted much due to sorting out the reach restriction which has now been lifted.

Please PM the link. Thanks