87k Followers | 54% USA | 85% Female | $1000!

Country of followers (majority): US
Amount of followers: 87k
Topic/Niche: Textpost
Does it include the OG (original) email?: No
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic (10k posts)

Description: Page is active and has 65%+ Premium Audience.

In no rush to sell.


Handle please

Sent to both

Let’s get a sale here, trusted seller
No issues buying an account from me

23+ Positive Transactions on SWAPD

Engagement very low for price I feel like

Agree buyers should pay more, this page is great

87.5k Followers now




Pages engagement :smirk:
Available for Best Offer !!

From $1500 to $1000 + swapd fee!

hello can i get handle please

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Link pls also what will u do as u dont have og email?

I will end my life to make sure I never retrieve it back from you.

1 Like

Pla dont

Send me
The link brw

I send link, please open messages and buy it now.

Give me name please

Hi can I get the handle pls (: