895K Travel page with interesting handle!

Country of followers (majority): USA
Amount of followers: 895K
Topic/Niche: Travel
Does it include the OG (original) email?: Yes!
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic!

Description: This page comes with unique username! Engagement rate 2-4%. Has average of 100-300-400 comments per post! Can be used to get free deals with hotels as well as paid promotions!. The value of this account is much higher but Im open to offers!

Handle please. Thanks!

handle please

My offer 9000$

1 Like

Handle and current offer pls

Can you send me handle please?

The highest bid is 9,500$ now :slight_smile:

Handle please

897k now :muscle:t2:
+2k followers for 3 days!

Send me IG username and possibly stats.

Got 15k offer offsite, willing to give it a few days


qual nome de usuario ? e a maior oferta até agora ?

Uhm, what?

Handle please

send handle please

Handle, current offer pls?

Username please

User name pls sir and the buy now price

username and price pls! interested