91k $1rpm TikTok Page

Country of followers (majority): US 94%
Amount of fans/followers: 91,000
Topic/Niche: Us Nostalgia
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): All Organic

Description: Selling A US Nostalgia page that has great consistency at pushing. It’s aged 6+ months old with a nice $1 rpm range in the crp. Has a high 94% US Audience with 60% male and majority of audience being 25-44. This page is currently disqualified until the 13th of July from crp due to security issues. But will get right back in on that date. The page has one trademark strike as well but will go away with time. None of these affects the way it pushes posts. If you have anymore questions
or concerns please let me know!

yes, it’s also at 92.5k now here is the account if you want to check it out https://www.tiktok.com/@nostalgicjunkie?lang=en