995k Subs Monetized Channel for Sale ($3300) <> Can be Verified on your Name

Amount of subscribers: 995000
Country of subscribers (majority): India
Topic/Niche: Mixed Entertainment
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic


1- Channel have got 995k Organic Subs and there is no Warning or Strike. Channel can be taken to 1m Subs easily. Max chances of Gold Play Plaque. The channel is already Monetized. Old videos deleted.
2- Good to start a new project. Can be rebranded. Country can be changed. Name can be changed.
3- It can be Verified on Client’s Name if required.
4- Crypto as payment. In extreme case, Bank Wire.
5- All history screenshots uploaded.
6- Have more 100k-900k subs and 1m-5m subs accounts if higher Subs is the requirement.
