About Insured Topics

Understanding Insured Listings

When you encounter a listing tagged with insured, it indicates that the listing owner has placed an insurance deposit with SWAPD.

Which Listings Demand an Insurance Deposit?

In essence, any service that necessitates clients to provide login credentials or any form of access must place an insurance deposit with SWAPD before rendering their services.

What Is the Insurance Deposit Amount?

The specific amount for the insurance deposit is determined by SWAPD staff and varies based on the type of service you intend to offer. Typically, the insurance deposit stands at $1000 USD and can exclusively be paid in USDT/USDC.

Is the Insurance Deposit Refundable to the Service Provider?

Indeed, the insurance deposit is fully refundable. Upon refunding an insurance deposit, any previously insured listings will lose their insurance tag and be closed. It’s important to note that we only refund insurance deposits in USDT/USDC value, not USD value.

Why is an Insurance Deposit Required for Certain Services?

Certain services carry higher inherent risks, particularly when login credentials are involved. In cases where an insured service encounters issues due to the seller’s fault, SWAPD staff may consider releasing the insurance deposit to the buyer as a form of compensation.

I Have a Listing Requiring Insurance. Whom Should I Contact?

If you require insurance for your listing, please reach out to a SWAPD Administrator.