ACTIVE FUNPAGE 251K/Approved Video Right Manager(Collect ad Earnings)

Country of followers (majority):usa,india
Amount of followers:251.000
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks):organic

Description:Buyer will get surprising bonus.(Giving moderator on 2 facebook groups for Eletrical engineering groups together make 1m members)
Rights Menager is Approved. Facebook video rights manager is a copyright tool to protect videos from being copied and Collecting ad earning.
It is very hard to get approved.
Funpage is covered with own logo.
Audit is done from swapd admins.(i can show)
Give me Best offer is yours

Few viral Posts.

The last price is $2500 +fee.(low price you can check)
(I already have buyer but he have problems with payment)
Audit is done and completed by swapd admins i can show you

link ib

I send you dm.