Ad Account AI Exempt Tag Removal [Keeps Ads Live, Removes AI From Ad Account] | Unique Service | ONLY Provider On Site | 💎 DIAMOND CLUB SELLER

AI EXEMPTS (FB ad accounts)

After helping clients with FB advertising unbans, we’ve been receiving a lot of requests about how to keep ads afloat / out of rejected / etc…

Now offering a solution for this! :fire:

Advanced AI Exempt Tag (we can remove the AI/bot tag on ad accounts) = get lesser rejected ads and less likely to get your ad accounts disabled. Great for Meta Ads-Sensitive brands.

Please Read: As a warning/guarantee like everything else, this does not give you the ability to do anything you want. Policy is still a thing. Humans still look at ads, accounts health is still effected by bad business models. We can’t offer bulletproof guarantees on this, ad accounts/ads CAN still go down by human checkers, however algorithmically they cannot.

No proof given. Just need to trust us. (The employee won’t leak actual Meta backend interface to provide proof of exemption, sucks but yeah) therefore you may purchase this service at your own risk. We feel the service provides media buyers enough value to still offer despite proof, and have had great demand & success off-site.

What does it do and guarantees:

  • Reduces ad rejections / ad account restrictions by 30-50%
  • Not a bulletproof solution to run non-compliant ads
  • Ad account can still get banned due to human intervention, only by human risk team
  • Makes ad account priority in Meta’s eyes, as this tag is not given to all ad accounts, but specifically chosen by Meta
  • AI exempt tag can be also removed later by Meta if you misuse the exempt by running bad ads
  • For clients who have tried out, we only have had good feedback. Exceptions are there always, but then we realized those misused the AI exempt to run celebrity or before/afters or something non compliant
  • We don’t provide any proof or guarantees after the exempt is done. Also not all ad accounts can be approved for an exempt

(We have feedback from some clients, that with new advanced AI tag they’re able to run celebrity angles, etc, with much lesser/no ads being rejected. Success has been around 80/20 tbh, 80% are happy and repeat purchase/resell very often - 20% that run rough ads still see bans. But they run pretty aggressive ads (* finance with 100% guarantee profit, free money, penis enlargement, viagra pills etc etc…)

Price: $2K
TAT: 24-72 hours

All we need is the Ad Account ID.

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Any on-site reviews yet?