Ahtisham Muhammad Rafiq - rafiqueahtisham9@gmail.com - Scammer

Name: Ahtisham Rafiq
Full name: Ahtisham Muhammad Rafiq
Address: Airport housing society sector 3 street 19 house no 410/1
Rawalpindi Pakistan
Bank iban number: PK30UNIL0109000290953204
SWAPD profile: Profile - Ahtisham.Rafique00 - SWAPD
SWAPD 2nd profile: Profile - Dani1 - SWAPD
Instagram profile: https://www.instagram.com/shamey_506/ - User ID: 5314736142
Phone number: +923145258132
Identity Number: 37405-2464546-9 (3740524645469)
His Brother: Zeeshan Rafique, 3740546342357


Update: He just changed his IG to https://www.instagram.com/shamey_303/


This guy pulled multiple accounts in two tickets of mine. And after working with SWAPD staff, we found another SWAPD user was scammed also. After doing some digging (this guy is super dumb) I was able to find a ton of info on him. AVOID this person, he is a liar and a scamming thief. I lost over 1500 USD because of this individual.



This guy is truly special, so I am highlighting this topic for extra exposure.

Assuming by the address, he works for the airport?

Pakistan/India and a few other countries have REALLY messed up address formats.
Some of them literally say “house next to the village market” on the address

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Ahtisham Rafiq, good luck ever finding a decent job, or getting a VISA. You may laugh, but we’ve had cases where these community reports would sting people years down the line. One guy wasn’t able to get a job in some corpo because they Googled him :smiley:


I have assumptions he’s going to school here: https://www.superiorcolleges.edu.pk/

Anyone from Pakistan who can check?


Screenshot of IG:

In case he decides to change @'s.

Hah, I guess he has no intention of paying @coehn back as he just removed his Instagram profile photo.

I am willing to pay to have his Instagram banned. Who can do it the cheapest?

Username changed to: https://www.instagram.com/drug_mylife__/

I’ll also assist with publishing articles about him. @coehn, please feel free to PM me anytime you’d like.

P.S., once they’re live, I WON’T be able to take them down. @Ahtisham.Rafique00, if I were in your shoes, I would consider my future. Nobody would want to deal with a thief, and it’s not easy to remove articles from Google.

  1. Open incognito tab
  2. Go to Gmail
  3. Enter his email address rafiqueahtisham9@gmail.com
  4. Click reset pass
  5. Enter phone +923145258132

Keep clicking RESEND. Too many requests from multiple sources will cause havoc on his Gmail.


@jokerisafk Willing to ban this for a good cause?

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The person who bans his IG first gets an SWAPD OG Badge!


What 's going on here ? , do you want an account to be banned?

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Username ?


Which ban type do you want?

Burn with fire permanent.