I’m offering ORGANIC Spotify algorithmic streaming campaigns.
How Is It Executed?
- Targeted ads/algorithmic activation through direct deal
How Many Streams Can I Expect?
- This highly depends on budget. All campaigns start at $1,750 and go up from there depending on ad spend. At a base campaign you should notice no less than 50,000-100,000 streams.
Where Will Streams Come From?
- The ads are designed to trigger algorithmic playlists such as discover weekly, release radar, radar, and even editorials if your save rate is high.
FAQ (answers)
All streams are organic
We work with all genres
We have case studies (just ask)
We do not guarantee a specific amount of streams this is usually based off the quality of track we’ve had songs do 1,000,000 streams off the lowest campaign and others do 50,000
This works for both new releases and pre-existing releases. It doesn’t matter how old your song is
We do have other higher level services and campaigns available (just ask)