Amazon kindle Account: $500+ in payment received. Over 150 book approved and published in library

Account type: Amazon Kindle publisher account.
Price: Best Offer

Account created in 2017
Earn over $500 in royalty from over 150 books published.

All from organic traffic from amazon , no ads

With advertising this will earn more.

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It is an account , there is only login details to the account.

No way to actually see publically the account? Has it got books there?

Over 150 books approved and published to earn royalty commissions

Yes, but is there a way we can see this?

Link plz

Sent a screen recording to you

Are you selling the rights to the books that you have listed on there?

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I’ve unlisted this until we have clarity on exactly what you are selling.

I am selling an amazon kindle publishing account. With over 150 books published on the account.

Account has earned $500 +

Obviously , if I am selling the account , it means anyone that buys it will end up recieving royalty commissions on the books as it gets sold on amazon

Did you create all of the books? And own all of the rights to the books that are being sold?

Just because you are selling an account with books attached to it does not mean you are including or even own the rights to them.

I created all the books and own all the right to the books. Please research amazon kindle publishing . I sent you the link. You do not publish books you do not own the rights to on amazon kindle. It is a self publishing platform. I find this question very odd because it has an obvious answer

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I know you aren’t meant to publisher books that you don’t own the rights too but I’m afraid it does happen.


Yes, and public domain books also could be re-written or edited, then self published on Amazon.

The question here is how exactly the copyrights to the published books which is written “by you” will be transferred to the new owner with the sale of this account?

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Bumping this. Still getting offers

Best offer, still available