Ammar Hamdy (football player) Facebook page with 1M followers!

Country of followers (majority): Egypt
Amount of followers: 1 000 000
Topic/Niche: Ammar Hamdy - Athlete.
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic

Description: 1M Followers Facebook page for sale!

This Facebook page, featuring Ammar Hamdy (football player), is for sale. It is approved for Live Ads, In-Streams, and Bonuses.

You can change the page name to your desired name. The page maintains quality and monetization status with no violations, limits, or warnings.

Payment Options:
:black_small_square: Bank Wire
:black_small_square: Crypto (USDT, USDC, BTC or ETH)


‘‘Ammar Hamdy’’ is for sale for $14 900 or best offer.

it cant be monetized it needs some work to be done. my final offer 3000$

What is your highest offer?

3k i already mentioned