Angelina Jolie fb fan page for sale 30.4k ($120)

Country of followers (majority): India first, USA 2nd, Mexico 3rd (see photo)
Amount of fans/followers: 30,442 fans, 31,660 followers
Topic/Niche: celebrity, actress
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): s4s

Description: selling female celeb actress fan page, it is active, I do share the photos on my pages to keep the activity up. Not eligible for ad breaks “not enough info in the last 60 days to determine” so maybe some day it can be. Page has no restrictions. Page is best offer. Msg or comment for more info/link.

Bump :upside_down_face:

Bump :blush:

Link and price please. Thanks

Sent pm.



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