Are unbans cooked?

I meet two people that work for Meta through discord. Verified them through IRLs that I know and know them personally.

They said that unban requests will later on become impossible to do and that only 9 people would be able to do them only at META.

Don’t know if they are saying is true but what is anyone’s thoughts on this or know reps that work in Meta to verify this

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Hard to say, but from all the Meta contacts that I have alongside “Unban Services” i’ve paid, nobody can effectively do much anymore.

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Ya Meta employees and on discord ain’t go in the same sentence, it’s like saying “my meta employees on telegram” those people are BS’in you :man_facepalming:


I already saw his LinkedIn as well

Ask him to send you a message via his LinkedIn


I can pretend to be anyone from linkedin, doesn’t mean I am, but why have you clicked “interested” on unban services of other peoples Ads if you “apparently” have 2 meta employees, just weird.

I just met them this week. Stop watching what I do on here and focus on yourself

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Looks like they gave you false information.

that sounds like a hoax, about 4 BILLION USERS and only 9 people managing all of the unbans? they either work 24/7 and get paid in 7 figures or its a complete lie