★ Auctioning Viral Music Profile (488K Followers) On IG

Page seems insanely botted.

Recent post has: 58K views, with 39 comments of which 30 are straight bots. (2 weeks old)

The statistics don’t match the engagement at all

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If this page is boted I will pay 10k, open offer to anyway…
@shamir your analysis is highly unprofessional and stupid…

Please read description(which is account history) and check all account posts…

I see that you have a couple viral posts, but there’s no way you made this page in 2023 and already gained nearly 500k followers but yet you are only pulling under ~50 comments, my dead 30k page that I never post on would likely pull more, no offence.

Me and my partner have been in meme-com since 2020, this is below basic engagement for a 490K page… Since your page was entirely grown in the past year your page is supposed to be much more active.

Here is one of my 450k pages, check the engagement here for reference:

I would encourage you to, go to my page about section and see by yourself. The account was indeed created in 2023.

You only making assumptions which don’t justify that my account is boted.

Lastly, I just wanna say that, less views doesn’t mean the account is boted. It may have many other reason.

Are you not reading what i’m saying? I reviewed your page with team before replying to your listing

I understand sometimes posts don’t do as well, but getting 10 real comments while having 300K ACTIVE followers is absurd; I don’t even think that’s even possible.

Boted? :rofl::rofl:

2 hand picked people out of 39 comments? :rofl: :rofl:

@shamir I’ve seen this account growing from 0 to over 400K

Vouch to @The.AR04 He’s not selling BS buddy.

Sure, the account may have grown from 0 to 400K, but please use some common sense and tell me does this engagement look ‘real’ to you?

From which video is that?


The page has decent videos that have gone on to explore, but the engagement of the page itself is nearly 0, hence why I question its authenticity