Auto responder


I believe it would be handy for SWAPD to set up an auto responder for certain sellers.

The first time you message a seller the auto responder will come up. Not on following messages.

To get the privilege for auto responder the seller must have positively closed at least 10 tickets or xxx $ worth of volume.

The auto responder for a PR thread could contain a message like, “hey, got your message. While I’m working hard to get back to your message check out this link with my PR pricing. It includes all relevant info. Let me know what pubs you would like and I’ll set up a ticket. If you have any specific question let me know and I’ll get back to you.”

Sellers can set up different auto responders for there different threads and one generic one for people who direct dm and remove the thread link.

If a seller is full for a month their auto responder could say that and then say but we can get you in line for next month, or whenever they have time for new tickets.

All the above are just examples and top class sellers could set the messages up themselves.


Really a cool idea, would love to have this.


Thank you. Will consider this if more people need it.

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This could be the Uber of SWAPD. Nobody knew they needed it until they got it. :rotating_light:

Yes plz

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Good one!

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Yes will be helpful

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Good idea

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