Binance CryptoTrading Bot

Did anyone of you tried using a crypto trading bot ?

I myself built a binance trading bot using my own trading strategy ( ema cross and rsi and all ) , it was well executed and orders were opened by the bot . But binance blocked my API after a while because the number of API calls were pretty frequent and not according to their limit :3
Now, I can generate a new API and start again if I follow their limit.

My questions are :

  1. would guys be interested if I coded and sold to you a binance trading bot according to your own strategy?
  2. how much would you be willing to pay per bot?
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Could you make me an AI bot that plays Poker?

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Can only do binance based trading bots for now

Hey mate try using:

  1. tradingview to code your trading bot and use tools such as ((Alertatron or 3commas)) to relay it to binance you wont get banned because of this I have used it in the past
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Thank you so much !!!
Will definitely try that

I want u to code for forex, please pm me

I want to do… how much % we can make weekly ?