Can we Verify Insta / FB accounts in this panel

Hi All,

Today my client managed to access this panel, can he apply to verify Insta and FB accounts through this?

Anyone experienced with the benefits of this panel.


that looks like the standard ads support panel to me. Redirecting...

This is the Client Support portal as @superj linked above (Redirecting...). Anyone can get access to this. If you don’t have it by default, a minimum spend of roughly $20 will unlock it. The form is useless - sorry to burst your bubble.


Thanks for tbe feedback but ir did have some user claim features and merge accounts which seemed pretty useful.

Is there a bew panel for verification requests etc?

I’ve never heard of anyone having success with claims or merges through Client Support, but I do see that the option is there. Facebook’s “Help for Media and Publishers” has forms where you can submit accounts for verification both on Facebook & Instagram. There are also forms for claiming usernames (which looks very different from the one on Client Support). Attaching a screenshot for clarification.


Lovely and how do people reach tbis stage does it depend on ads spend or are there any other rules.

I can’t answer that as I honestly don’t know. We were given ours because of the pages and profiles we manage as an agency.

More details?

I claimed a name through it before.

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What was the process did they require any trademark registration?

Nope, I’ll try to claim another using the same panel if it works I might start the service.

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Any luck on how to gain access to this portal ?

The Facebook Media Support portal is only given to media partners, agencies, public figures, celebrities and media organizations. A requirement to be given one is being a managed client (have a Partner Manager).

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Thank you :pray:

Could you help me with clearing my doubt? i would really appreciate it. I hadn’t seen a clear screenshot of how it looked like, thank you for sharing

I am admin in a business manager account where the page is for which my friend is applying to get the media partner portal. If facebook gives us the access, will both of us be able to use it since we both are admins of the business manager? Or it will only be available to one person?

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The Media Support portals are tied to Facebook ID’s, meaning they’re connected to personal accounts. A support panel can only be issued to an account when certain requirements are met (profile-wise). Depending on your partnership with Facebook, you may be able to have multiple accounts whitelisted for Media Support.

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Thank you so much for responding :pray::pray:

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i need please PM me

I need it, pls PM me

Mr Goofy can you tell me how can i get this Media partner which one you showed us! I got client support but i need media partner panel. I am Admin lot of verified pages. Could you suggestion me? If you know please suggestion me.

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