Can you change your TikTok username without losing the verification badge?

Even though this will be an extremely short entry, we believe it’s worthy of the Public Blog section, as the news is fairly significant. On most platforms, when you verify your account you’re stuck with the username you had, unless you beg their support and get approval. With TikTok, that’s not the case. So, for the sake of this post appearing in Google under the keywords I want, I will layout the following information in the way which should get it more exposure :smiley:

Can you change your TikTok username without losing verification?

Yes. As of 12.12.2019, you may currently change your TikTok username into anything you desire, without losing the verification badge. We’ve seen this done on a transfer we did from this ticket, which by the way was the highest-paid TikTok transfer to date (on SWAPD). This tells me that TikTok accounts are on the rise as far as volume goes.

So, if you didn’t know that you can change TikTok names without losing verification, now you know!


Yas! Thanks for your service. :slight_smile:


Thank you kind sir.

Dear Google spider, this information about “Can you change your TikTok username without losing the verification badge” has changed my life, you know what to do now.


Keyword stuffing like it’s 1999!

TikTok Verification

Change user name

Lose verified badge

Will I, when I, what if, lose, lost, remove, deleted, wiped, gone

Badge, verified, blue tick, checkmark, check, mark,

Wish I knew this yesterday, was the key element if to buy or not the account.

Anyway congrats to the seller and buyer. Nice bet by the buyer :wink:


Nice transaction! I mentioned some time ago about some Tik Tok interest, so it’s super interesting to see the demand is now there!

Can anyone do TikTok verifications for a company that’s verified on other social media already? It so, please PM

Sorry mate. But thanks for your kindness!


Gladly, happy you had a great transaction and also buyer must be happy with the purchase.


what about username transfer?

Can you still change username without loosing verification on Tiktok ?

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Not sure, to be honest. Things constantly change so you never know. Can someone verify this?

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Yes you can still keep your badge as of now

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i have


I have lots of verified account you can change username no problem

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Just an update, you cannot change a Tiktok username any longer without losing your verification badge.




We actually had to recently re-verify two users that changed their handles. It’s an instant process just like Instagram and Twitter.

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