Cash Cow YouTube Account, $430k earned, $800-$5k/month, USA Top for Sale ($24k Priced)

Amount of subscribers: 480000
Country of subscribers (majority): USA, UK
Topic/Niche: Stories, Narration
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic


1- Account have got 450k Subs and is Monetized with Premium audince.
2- Almost half a million USD earned so far and $30k during last 12 months and still earning. Can be brought back to $5k-$10k/month with good management.
3- Crypto as payment. In extreme case, Wire but with extra $1000.
4- All history screenshots uploaded. Do let me know if you want more info.
5- Only serious buyers please. Price is reasonable and final.



GLWS BRO! :sparkling_heart: :raised_hands:t2:


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