Cast your vote! Should Swapd add a dislike button?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Like this comment as a dislike button for this topic


@GOAT No hate, but you’d most likely receive an unfathomable amount of dislikes on every post if this was implemented lol


Why do you only post in VIP section, noob.

bc I’m not a Swapd Partner (yet), but fixed

OML, wrong again. Other is for sales only. How about Discussions

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And whenever someone has over 50 dislikes with a rate of 90% disliked
The post gets deleted

I’m doubtful about this. Only 4-5 members rally together against me (@onlyusernames @Worldstar @holma @911 and @Mafia).

So 5 dislikes here

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Stop the misinformation. I love @GOAT’s


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Please use this Goat


Too gimmicky. But I can’t dislike it, which sucks. I don’t want to always respond to show my feedback

I believe yes there should be a dislike button, there is no harm. There’s one on YouTube. Plus, if you find someone’s services fishy or something you can help other members by disliking the post. But tbh it can be used to target people so kinda confusing about it to be implemented or not.

And @1999

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If it’s super easy to implement (which I assume it is) then maybe swapd will be down to add the feature

Also, for the record, I’ve received more likes (2.7k) than all users mentioned here except @Worldstar :slightly_smiling_face:


Good job @GOAT

Keep up the good work :muscle:

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Nice! So more people like you on here than them

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