[ Cheap ] 1.2M monetised YouTube channel in $2500 with verified ✅ on buyer’s name

Amount of subscribers: 1.2M
Country of subscribers (majority): India
Topic/Niche: Shorts
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic

Description: :rotating_light: 1M Monetized YouTube Channel for Sale! :rotating_light:

:small_blue_diamond: Subscribers: 1.2M
:small_blue_diamond: Monetization: Enabled
:small_blue_diamond: Strikes: None
:small_blue_diamond: Warning: Active, will be removed by 29th December :warning:

This channel is a great opportunity for anyone looking to rebrand or start fresh with a strong, engaged audience. Whether you’re looking to switch up the niche or build upon its current success, this channel provides an ideal foundation for growth.

:moneybag: Price: $2500
:credit_card: Payment: USDT (Tether)
:scroll: Buyer Pays Fees

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to hit the ground running with a massive subscriber base! DM for more details.