CHEAP 123k likes and 197k followers Cristiano Ronaldo FB fan page for sale!

Property type: Facebook page.
Amount of fans/followers: 123k+ likes and 196k+ followers.
Country of followers (majority): USA, United Kingdom and Laos
Topic/Niche: A fan page of Cristiano Ronaldo
Did you use automation/engagement networks/tricks to build up the activity?: No
Price: Highest bidder

Description: The page is a fan page of Cristiano Ronaldo. It has a lot of activity by the fans/followers, as it usually gets about 2k - 3k likes/reactions in every single post I make in the page.

Is this a different page? How many pages do you have?

Oh no, sorry. It’s the same page, I just got more likes and followers in the meantime, so I thought I would create a new post/topic.

Please update your old topic. Just click here.

Okay, thank you.

You can keep this one. I will close your old topics this time.

1 Like

Thanks :slight_smile:


Hi, pm me approx price pls

Pm sent

Current bid: $180

Is 185 fine

Current bid: $250

Currently highest bid: $300

VERY INTERESTED. DM the price and details

Please send me details and url

We will give you $400. Send us a PM

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