Checkout ticket improvements thread

As you may probably have noticed, we are constantly making changes/improvements to our community. Today, we made significant changes to our ticket system.

The changes are as follows:

  1. Single sign-on is now enabled. Your SWAPD membership is now tied to your ticket account.
  2. You can access your tickets via one click. No need for the cumbersome access link.
  3. Ticket history is now saved. You can view all your old/open checkout tickets.

In the upcoming days we will:

  1. Add payment profiles, so we don’t have to ask you every time for payment details.
  2. Identity verification profiles. Just in case someone requests your identity (usually for larger transactions), you can have it ready on your profile.
  3. Visual improvements. Our design wiz @shaunthomas will make sure the tickets are all pretty for you.

We will update this topic as we roll out updates. In meanwhile, if you see any bugs, we would love if you let us know by replying to this topic.