Clean 4 letters instagram usernames @Luk* and more

Luk* - $400
Gub* - $280
Eek* - $280
Epe* - c/o ?
Piw* - SOLD
Viw* - $250
Kuh* - $160
Ryj* - c/o 100
Gyv* - $150
wwy* - $90
Gih* - $90
But* - $80
nup* - c/o
uwi* - $80
uex* - $70
lnv* - $80
vjb* - $60

All with OGE (original Email) and NO number linked.

Message me to buy, if you didnt understand the “Hint” thing you can message me for list reveal.

Does this come with OGE, and No Number Linked?
