Countdown to 1000 members!

This looks pretty :blush: @shaunthomas thanks for this


Congrats BRo !

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Yikes! We’ve missed it :smiley:

We’re officially at 1004 members! WOOOO HOOOO!

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So, now what? Contest? If so, I am open to suggestions :slight_smile:


No one wants a contest? :frowning:

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I am here for just 2 hours and but I want that contest already! :smiley:


Why not every one wants to participate :laughing:

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I will try to think of something today.

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And contest is? :slight_smile:

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Honestly so few people care about our contests that I gave up, but since you care, we might launch something. :grin:


Still waiting for something to come up :laughing::laughing::laughing:

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They always get lost among all the new threads constantly being made haha

The contest will still happen, but this time we’re waiting for 1,000,000 impressions, which is just a few days away.

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I want a contest. lol

Thanks for bumping our old topic, @verifymylife. :smiley: We’re currently at 7,000,000 impressions, just a year later. So, in the past year traffic increased x7.

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Awesome. It’s amazing how much growth this place is getting. Very inspiring…

what’s the number of members atm?


The number would be higher but we’ve noticed our software actively removes/deletes profiles that are never used. So, there are very few ghost accounts on SWAPD as @system deletes them almost daily. I kind of like this set up, only keeps people around who used this site at least a few times and not just some random signups that never come back.

Hahahahahhahahaha :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

I love you SWAPD

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