Crypto/Forex previous investors data

Looking to buy forex/crypto previous investors data.

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Forex/Crypto Investor Database

.Verified and Active Investors_
.100,000+ Records_
.Country/Region/Asset-Specific Filtering_

Data Packages:

.Forex Investors: $500 (10,000 records)
.Crypto Investors: $800 (20,000 records)
.Combined Database: $1,200 (30,000 records)

Data Includes:

. Name
. Email
. Phone Number
. Investment Amount
. Preferred Assets
. Location

Delivery: Secure and encrypted file (CSV/Excel)

Guarantee: 90% accuracy and 80% delivery rate

Interested in purchasing? Send:

  1. Desired database (Forex, Crypto, or Combined)
  2. Specific filtering requirements (if any)

Secure and reliable data provision.

Is this even allowed to be sold on here? Doubt it complies with privacy laws