Crypto News, PR & marketing agency for sell with all contacts, socials and partnerships($23k sales in april)

Business Type: Blockchain news, PR, Marketing & advertisement agency.
Price: Best offer please DM

Description: SkiingMegan is a blockchain news, PR, marketing & advertisement network working for last 3 years.

All websites -4 news websites, 1 main website
Socials- , verified youtube(99k), instagram 5k , telegram 10k.
(Socials are down)

With all Partnerships.
With all contacts with all of the services. including PRs all over the world, graphic designers, web devs, writers, marketers, influencers, etc.

Monthly revenue: 10-30k$
Monthly profits- 5-20k$

Profit % of services- 5%-400%


April- 23k
Projects- Petwars, solidproof, $GN

May-Untill 15th- $4700
Projects- delfino finance, charlie finance

Growth- by Giveaways, airdrops and youtube/google ads. Been in crypto space since 2018. Marketing since 2019.


Asking price?

Please dm

sent dm

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send me whole project details with their Social media and everything include best price !!!

Please send me everything, I work with a large crypto VC that is actually doing acquisitions of all news outlets rn.

Please include all socials/ relevant links, and your best price for it.

If we can come to reasonable number we will purchase. <3 Thank you!

Send details

Send me more info

Replied all!

Send me all info on pm

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Send me info pls :slight_smile:

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would love to know more

link please

Pm Details


Enhance your crypto brand’s visibility and reputation with a specialized crypto PR agency. DM me or Visit