★ Diamond Club Seller ★ Instagram & Facebook Unbans | Hacked account recovery | Verifications | Username Claims | 450+ Successful tickets on Swapd

sent message

Professor reply to my dms

how much verificate public figure? send me dm

Check DM’s my man :sunglasses:

@professorfacebook chexk dm again

Hello Everyone, I probably have missed many DM and missed addressing them.
I am trying to reply everyone, I have replied probably 100+ conversation in the last 2 days and plan to do more 70 in this weekend.

Apologies for not replying to your messages, Will try to be more responsive.

PS : All the open tickets are given highest priority in communication, I have 1-2 tickets which might be delayed in communication due to complication.

I am actively delivering cases with 95%+ success rate, I have closely delivered 200 tickets in the last 6 months.


Instagram hacked account recovery done in 1 day. Big vouch.


i have a musician pm

It was a great experience @Teal

Case Resolved on site for @Mertcan :white_check_mark:

Delivered more than 200+ Successful tickets onsite within 6 months :white_check_mark:



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@professorfacebook check pm

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Replied please check @jamixson

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So you can retrieve suspended accounts? On Instagram?

Yes i do them to !
Please DM me with your the following details.

Username -
Disable date -
Suspension reason -

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Hey, I want verification for smaller personal Insta account (blue badge), my budget is 1500 USD, Can you do it?

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DM me the case, let me check availability of slots.


Please check your DM

Sent you a DM. Need 2 IG accounts willing to pay premium.

Check PM