DIAMOND SELLER | Facebook & Instagram SERVICES FOR PUBLIC FIGURES: Verifications | Username Claims | Verified Username Changes | Unlock/Unbans | 2FA Problems | Account Merges [CHEAP & FAST] FB | IG

DM me

Vouch for @hermes recovered me an account that nobody could recover after 5 months


interested in recovery messaged

DM me!


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Pm sent


Can you verify Business account without press PR?

I can pay $5,000 for this transaction if you can verify it without Press PR.

Lucky, he won’t even respond to me

@scarereeper I told you I can’t do your account anymore. You wanted to work with another seller when I was able to do yours. Now you want me to keep responding to the same question? The answer remains: I can’t help you anymore, your account is gone forever.


Are you still accepting verifications for musicians? If so I just PM you. Ready to move forward today

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Give me your money

Can you please help me out brother for Instagram verification?!

send your cases

What cases?

What case


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Sent u a dm

$500 for which service? Also if I have limited press can you you do press articles as well?