Service type: New, highly engaged FB page build
Price: $0.50 per follower
We will build you a new, highly engaged Facebook Fanpage reaching top tier audiences - US, UK, South Africa, AU
- Typical page growth time is around 1 month to 20K followers
- Typical engagement rate to impressions 5%+
- Typical first month impressions 20m+
- Ability to grow pages to achieve monetisations (600k watch minutes and 10K followers)
- We are a UK based, highly engaged publisher reaching around 400 million impressions per month across our network of pages
- No paid media, 100% organic cross sharing and amplification
- No fake followers
Recent page audience growth over 30 days:
Same page, fan demographics and locations:
Summary last month’s reach and engagement through our network of pages:
exports from Sprout Social data