Doomsday March. Fanpages are under a threat. (March Facebook changes confirmed)

It’s no longer just a rumor. The media industry’s worst fears about Facebook’s huge algorithm tweak are coming true.
Even big dogs like LittleThings are shutting down. You can read their story by following the link below:

Fanpages were always under attack, but they always came back. Publishers always found a workaround. But every time they came back, things were never the same and it just kept getting worse. Could this be the last straw? I want to know what you think.

Oh, and you think if I am panicking, some of my oldest clients are liquidating every single Fanpage they have. Guys who have been in the industry for years, with 40-60 pages per owner, reaching millions of people daily. Game over?


Shame on you @facebook.

This was always kind of a brick-wall business model. Publishers that failed to use Facebook’s traffic to build up other traffic sources (i.e. email, seo, etc.) will disappear.


This is getting pretty bad. Metdaan as another top brand, as an insider there told me got hit by 50% revenue drop.

Edit: Wow just checked and metdaan is actually unverified now.

I think it’s rather embarassing to blame facebook for shutting down your business…adapt and overcome.


I agree! I wrote this to someone yesterday. They sound like they were way over capitalized in debt and probably had too many staff.

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We worked with LittleThings closely for the past year, and unlike our other partners, LT was a company that was following all FB rules, so FB gave them access to all of their new stuff - midrolls, watch etc. And they still got to shut down?
You guys forgot, how FB first made pages buy likes, then they decided to cut down reach to <10% if its not viral or paid? And now their actions screwed one of the best pages that was on FB.

I personally think if they keep it going like this, they will get rid of more pages they want and eventually there will be someone that will be able to sue them for this ■■■■ for billions.
I feel really sad Google is not following up the ■■■■ FB does and trying to gain some of their users.

Remember the Explore feed? Well, atleast they understand they fucked up Facebook ends its 'Explore Feed' tests in News Feed | Mashable


Hey I’m down for a class action :wink:

Well that’s good news about the feed, I guess. Pretty amazed they backed out.

How is everyone else doing? Is it really a doomsday March or were the rumors all hyped up?

IA revenue down 50%. Websites are shutting down affiliate traffic programs.

I think Toms knows better.

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FB is killing link reach. Video and Picture reach is great. But, the part that makes us all revenue has been destroyed.

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It is not worse as Feb, sharing a video is really death

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sharing/post your own video from your own page is death? or sharing video from another page or website to your page?

I have only 30% of impressions on Instant Articles!

I post videos and still get really good reach. I don’t know what Facebook did, but article reach is broken. But, if you can do compilation videos, post original content and link your page to a YouTube channel, it can still be monetized pretty well.

From another page, I had a reach of 1, normally 20K

i have very low reach in all my pages links picteurs videos i’dont know why

Now it seems that the reach decline isn’t the biggest threat, the new policy is. The affiliate traffic model isn’t looking good. I paused links and waiting to see how FB is gonna enforce its policy. Hopefully it won’t be too bad.

Ps: If you have a premium page with decent video reach, pm me I’ll help you get into a Watch program.

At mixed audiences pages, USA impressions on IA dropped 100%. It’s getting ~0-20 impressions. Other countries have not been hit like this as far as I can see from my statistics.

On pages with 80%+ USA audience, reach dropped 70%. I think whoever was targeting USA heavily, got hit heavily.
Pages that are targeted at specific regions, and 3rd world countries are just getting better at this moment.