Earn 20-30% from every sale/purchase on SWAPD, for life! Introducing SWAPD Rewards!

We will have a detailed tutorial next week, but you can start now :slight_smile:
Start inviting people here: SWAPD - Digital Rights Marketplace
Your earnings panel: SWAPD - Digital Rights Marketplace


We’ve noticed a sharp spike in invited people, which makes us SUPER happy.
To make things simpler, we’re updating out system today to make invites 10x easier. We will also offer incentives for people you potentially bring in, so they will jump on your invites faster.

More details coming up soon! Thank you very much to the people who jumped on this opportunity and invited their business contacts to SWAPD!

Update: One of our users sent 20+ invites. What’s your excuse? :smiley:

I have a community of 4M people on Facebook alone and I am also connected to Influencers here in Nigeria, Ghana & South Africa. I will be ready to invite those who will be interested in buying & selling once the personal REFERRAL LINK is ready. This ia a good opportunity to earn. Good Job guys!!!

The link is already ready! However, you will not be able to advertise it on Facebook unless you get creative (we’re banned from Messenger/Instagram/Facebook).

You can see your panel/link from here: SWAPD
If you have any questions, please let me know.

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Facebook can be so strict!! We will always find a way though. Let’s get to work :writing_hand:


So far, we’ve gained about 20 users this way :smiley: Not what I was expecting, but it’s a start.
A big thanks to all the people who have invited.

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Yes! People are starting to earn!

The following is a screenshot of an earnings panel from one of our users. Just two small transactions yielded 28 USD in profit. Both transactions came from the same seller. Point is, if you invite active resellers, you will make money on auto pilot.

Thank you guys!

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By the way, people whom you’ve invited prior to our rewards program also count :slight_smile:


Don’t have second refer level?

If you mean that you collect from people who were invited by someone you invited, then no.

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We’re happy to say that we’re going to have our first official payout soon, and it’s a hefty one! Think inviting isn’t worth it? Screenshot from user panel:

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That’s me. Referred a couple of friends who made sales and I got paid. Love it! Thank you so much!


:slight_smile: And that’s a payout for two only two (albeit big, but still) transactions.
Thank you very much, @bluelemon.

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And here I am, all the people I’m referring are getting banned. lmao

That’s insane! Congratulations!


Who sell good page in the best price?

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You mean which transaction was the highest?

We’re happy to say that our SWAPD Rewards program has been moved out of BETA and is here to stay as an permanent feature of SWAPD.

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More people paid out this month! We would love if more people joined in. One member received a 730 USD payment this month.

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