Established Streetwear Clothing Store (Dropshipping) | $30,000 Monthly Revenue | 35% Net Profit


Are you ready to step into the world of street fashion and elevate your entrepreneurial journey? Look no further! We are offering an incredible opportunity to acquire our established streetwear clothing store, which operates on a dropshipping model, generating $4,000 in monthly revenue with a solid net profit margin of 35%.

About the Business:

  • Monthly Revenue: $30,000-$40,000
  • Net Profit: 35%
  • Niche: Streetwear Fashion
  • Business Model: Dropshipping
  • Social Media Presence: [Include links to your social media profiles]
  • Customer Base: Loyal and growing customer base
  • Suppliers: Established relationships with trusted dropshipping suppliers

What’s Included:

  1. Fully Operational E-commerce Website: Our professional website is designed to showcase your unique streetwear collection, providing a seamless shopping experience for customers.
  2. Inventory: You’ll receive our existing list of curated streetwear items from trusted dropshipping suppliers, allowing you to start earning from day one without the hassle of inventory management.
  3. Social Media Accounts: We have an active social media presence, with engaged followers, ready to promote your brand.
  4. Supplier Contacts: Access to our trusted network of dropshipping suppliers, ensuring a smooth transition and ongoing stock replenishment.
  5. Branding and Logo: Transfer of all branding materials, including logo, ensuring brand continuity.
  6. Marketing Strategies: We will provide guidance on our successful marketing strategies to help you maintain and grow the business.

Why Invest in Streetwear (Dropshipping):

Streetwear fashion is a thriving industry with a dedicated and passionate fanbase. The dropshipping model eliminates the need for inventory management, making it a cost-effective and low-risk venture.

Support and Training:

We are committed to ensuring a smooth transition for the new owner. We will provide training and support for a specified period to help you get acquainted with the dropshipping operations.

Why We’re Selling:

While we’ve enjoyed building this streetwear brand, we are looking to explore new ventures. This presents an excellent opportunity for you to take the reins and continue the brand’s success.

Don’t miss out on this chance to own a profitable streetwear clothing store operating on a dropshipping model with a proven track record. The hard work has already been done; all you need to do is seize the opportunity and start generating revenue from day one.

Act now and take the next step towards owning a thriving streetwear clothing store (dropshipping).

If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to message us. Don’t delay, as opportunities like this don’t come around often.

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Hi please send me the link. Thanks

Dm pls

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