Exchanging Crypto to FIAT - Safety tips!

SWAPD does not manage or supervise crypto exchanges on SWAPD. We do not have the proper licenses, and we’re not authorized to handle such transactions. SWAPD users are free to exchange with other users without any checkout tickets. However, we strongly encourage users to be extremely vigilant when entering such transactions. Please remember, even well-reputable members can run off with your money. While it’s a rare occurrence on SWAPD, it does happen from time to time. Please use the following tips to stay safe.

  1. When entering a FIAT to Crypto conversion, always try to use services that have a dispute/chargeback option, like PayPal, for example.
  2. Avoid users who tend to be pushy and are in a rush.
  3. When entering a deal, ask the user for proof of funds. Do not ask for screenshots, only video uploads.
  4. Establish clear rules for the transfer. Ask the user you’re exchanging with if they are available RIGHT NOW to complete the exchange in full. Never agree to trade with someone who says, “I will transfer my end tomorrow.” Scammers need time to cash out, so if someone is asking you for time, it’s usually a bad sign. This is why it’s wise to ask the party you’re exchanging with to dedicate enough time to handle everything immediately.
  5. If a user breaks his promise for any reason, dispute the payment right away, do not wait. Time is against you in such cases.
  6. The higher the member status, the lower your chances of being scammed, but please remember, we’ve had cases where even the most reputable members scammed.
  7. Tend to avoid new users, especially users with a safety concern badge.
  8. Never do high amounts (talking about 5-6 digits). SWAPD isn’t the place for this. Remember, even if everything goes well and you get your money with services like Wise (or even bank accounts), the sender can dispute the transactions weeks/months later. This happened once on our site, so beware. Only exchange the amount you actually need, and don’t treat a random SWAPD user as a place to cash out your entire crypto portfolio.
  9. Deal with ID-verified SWAPD users only.
  10. Due to KYC/AML laws, it’s always wise to ask the person where their funds came from. Remember, it could be stolen money, and if you accept it, you may lose it down the line.

We truly recommend using our Buy Crypto page for your FIAT/CRYPTO exchanges, or alternatively, use SimpleSwap.io.