Safety Concern Badge - What is it and how does it affect your SWAPD membership?

Safety Concern Badge

The Safety Concern Badge is a special category on SWAPD for members who raise security concerns or violate our policies. It’s a precautionary measure to ensure our community’s safety. Our goal is to be a secure marketplace for social media properties and services, prioritizing member safety.

Why the Safety Concern Badge?

This badge is assigned based on certain criteria:

  1. New members from high-risk countries.
  2. Incomplete verification.
  3. Involvement in problematic transactions.
  4. Unprofessional or harmful behavior.
  5. False claims in listings.
  6. Repeated offsite communication violations.
  7. Users under 21.

Identifying a Safety Concern Member

Members with this badge have a special flair on their avatars, as shown below:

Removing the Badge

To remove the Safety Concern Badge, new members from high-risk countries must complete $1000 in sales or purchases through at least 3 transactions.

Guidelines for Members with the Badge

Members with this badge may have certain restrictions:

  1. Suspension of VIP/Premium Memberships.
  2. Additional identity verification.

SWAPD staff may add or remove members from this group as needed.

Interactions with Badge Holders

Engaging in transactions with badge holders means accepting heightened risk. SWAPD provides limited support in such transactions, and any issues are the responsibility of the involved parties.