|Are you tired of dealing with the middlemen when trying to reach out to the most promising and high-potential crypto projects? Well, look no further! I have curated a list of direct contacts to the project owners and marketing managers of top BSC/ETH projects for you!
With these leads, you will be able to bypass all the unnecessary hassle and directly DM the decision-makers of these projects on Telegram. This is the perfect opportunity to kick-start collaborations, partnerships, or just to stay updated with the latest news from the projects you’re most interested in!
All the projects in our list meet the following minimum stats:
Chain: BSC/ETH
Min $100,000 Market Cap
Min $40,000 Liquidity
Pair Created in the Last 6 Months
We can set up custom filters for your needs as well - DM me to discuss.
Price: 6000$ for the entire list - 1000 Leads (Payment accepted in crypto)
To make a purchase or if you have any questions, feel free to DM me or drop a comment below, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Happy networking and let’s take our crypto journey to the moon together!