Expired offer

Amount of subscribers: 163000
Country of subscribers (majority): Mexico
Topic/Niche: TV Shows
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic, Top SEO Search Results


:chart_with_upwards_trend: Analytics
Verified YouTube channel
163K Total Subscribers
90 Videos
No copyright claims
270K Total Views
Gaining 100K+ Views Per Month
Gaining 1.1 Million Impressions Per Month
Very engaged viewers with 13 Minutes Average Watch Time
Search is the #1 source of Traffic as viewers actively look for this content
Great reach with pinned comments, community posts, and descriptions

Lifetime: Spanish-speaking content for Tier 3 audience (Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, United States, …)
Past 28 days: French-speaking content for Tier 2 audience (France, Belgium, Canada, Switzerland, …)

:credit_card: Payment methods
Crypto (BTC, ETH, USDT, …)

Price: $399

:warning: The list price is non-negotiable.

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