Facebook & Google & TikTok | Agency Ad Accounts - Earn thousands with reffering clients

Do you want to earn money while helping out your clients that are running advertisments?

The only thing you would have to do is reffer us clients to our agency and we will get you comision on the advertising spend of your clients.

Why us an agency advertising account?

Companies like Facebook, Google, TikTok mainly make money from advertisers, however when you are advertising you will soon find out that if you are blocked that you will not get support from anyone. Therefore we provide agency advertising accounts with a team that quickly solves your advertising problems on your account.

How does it work?

It’s simple, we give you an agency advertising account with support and cheaper CPM/CPA than a normal advertising account.

You can just link your credit card to the advertising accounts, you pay us a % on your advertising costs and we send you an invoice. Also with these accounts you pay no VAT.

If you have a limit on your credit card we can also send you an invoice so we can manually add money to your advertising account and you can just spend it.

How do you make money on reffering people to us?

We pay-out once a month before the 10th of every next month, we will pay you comission based on the following:

25% on the monthly maintenance fees ($62,5 / $125 comission monthly per client)
And 0,5 - 1% on their advertising spend

You’ll get a client sheet of what he have been spending and a master sheet for your own on the comission you’ll get.

We pay out your comission through a SWAPD ticket.

How to start?

Just send me a PM and we will get you an link to reffer people to us and we start doing business together


Do you have adwords accounts for rent?