Facebook is cleaning engagement bait

Be careful!

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It’s one thing to remove clickbait. But to go after voting, tags, and comments is just a really bad move. Way to stomp growth and activity, Facebook. What’s wrong with asking fans what do they enjoy more? What’s wrong with asking to tag friends?

Will someone please dethrone this giant.


Exactly! And unlike clickbait, this is no guidelines this time…You have to ‘feel’ it yourself.

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I don’t get who they are to decide what is and isn’t clickbait? Surely that’s upto users to decide what they find valuable or not. Some people love that content and use it.

I don’t get that if users are taking actions voluntarily, that’s a bad thing.

How do you even promote your page without asking users to take action from time to time? Oh right, by paying Facebook for boosted posts or CTA’s. This is what it’s all about.

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