Facebook New Page Experience

Hello. I received this notification more than a week ago on all Facebook pages, but nothing has changed. Has anyone had this happen to you? If so, have you found a solution?


it should be one of your page become profile. maybe you need to double check which page because profile

Add Category as " Government Organization " or " Politician " It will be updated to new experience without waiting.

What would be the benefit of switching to the new Pages experience?

Post reach :point_up_2::ok_hand:

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@HamzaKhan - I did this for all the pages, and then the above notification appeared to me and it stayed that way for about a month.

Thank you for that, maybe I’ll try it out on my end.

Is this still working ? I tried it with no success

Remove all categories from page and put government organization after 1 week your page will have option to switch to new experience. 100% guaranteed method.