Facebook pages created with tricks | Warning!

Thanx for the infos @MisterNiche

Threshold accounts are created on Indian fb ad accounts… facebook has released new terms on self serving ad policies which will start from January… all the pages build with threshold accounts… any accounts with debt will be closed on account of payment failure… all the pages made with threshold accs will be unpublished…

Most of the people who bought these pages have already been stating most of their pages have been unpublished already…

Facebook has also mentioned lawsuits on these accounts in the new policy…

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@sathvikreddy is correct, the self serve ad terms even state that Meta can come after debtors and don’t have an issue spending reasonable attorneys fees…

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Only risky for the original creators of the page.

@zlatan no bro… legally, it will be problematic for the latest owner of the page. Only if they go with lawsuit, you will have to find the original owner and take him to the court…

Facebook has all idea on the threshold accounts, bonuses and everything… they will bomb at once… till then none will have an issue… as per their past with the lawsuits, they have done the same with wittyfeed.com

They never went for the publishers wittyfeed.com had… facebook directly sued wittyfeed.com because their publishers did that through wittyfeed.com

Legally the owner of the site was fucked than the publishers who used all the cards to run on accounts…

All i would say is be careful. Facebook stock price is going down day by day… this is only because they are hatching their plan to pump stock price once they have enough attention.


That depends. As in the country I live in, there are different rules. They can’t sue me for it, as I didn’t create the ads / page.

True. I expect that all the Facebook pages will get unpublished in a wave, all at the same time (in few days).