Facebook Prevent Content sharing from another pages

any idea how to share content without getting the account blocked from publishing on the pages ?

Sharing means literally sharing the content or copying the content ,?

@MediaBoy yes literally sharing the content

Seriously i share hell lot of contents but nothing happened :astonished:

Ahh facebook, just another nail in the coffin :pleading_face:

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I recently heard a rumor about this. A friend of a friend said he lost his facebook page because of sharing content from other sites. He thought FB had tagged it to sharing links with utm codes.
Can you DM me the link to your page so I can take a deeper dive if you don’t mind?

What were you sharing? Did the content you share come from pages you own or don’t own?

If you shared links, did they come from a site you own (and linked to a page of your via og tag), or a site you don’t own?

I shared from pages i own , ad break videos , and i got two of my accounts blocked for a month i dont know that is going on with facebook

That’s crazy… I thought this issue addressed only shares on pages you don’t own…

On how many pages did you share, if I may ask?

If I’m not wrong, you can crosspost the videos… then you’ll be 100% safe.

Yes bro its only work if the two pages have adbreak but if you cross a video to a pages without adbreak no ads will be shown

This is alarming. I’m doing it for a long time without any issue. Are you sharing LINKS as well or purely videos?

Only ad break videos

just a headsup neat. from this month you can’t post the same video to your pages. not sharing not crosspoting. just to upload the video again to another page you own will reduce your reach, the ads from video will no longer be visible, and the RPM will be around 0.12.
that just happen to me a few days ago and receive a msg from facebook that i’m not allowed to do this

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What you mean by not sharing not crosspotimg ?

Content is any website link or nornal photo or video ?

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only monetized content. like link and video. those 2 are prohibited to be shared from one page to another even if they are your pages, also upload a video monetized to one of your page, and also upload on a different page the same video will be banned with low reach, and no adbreak will show on both videos. also page will be affected.
below is the response from facebook once i contact them and explain them that i have original content but distributed on 2 of my pages. (meaning video made by me)

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Are you 100% sure this happened because you shared your same content on both of your pages?

Looks more a limited originality penalty like almost everyone here got, and the reply you posted looks like an automated reply to an appeal almost everyone here got too.

How can you be sure this kind of behavior is prohibited “from this month”? Is it written somewhere?

I’m not trying to argue, but I’m just genuinely trying to understand what’s happening…

on bottom page it says a signed name, a name of an admin that helped my in the past.
the email is dated i think 1 week ago, and after a tons of back and forward emails with the facebook, someone took a better look at my situation and told me this. but the thing is they implement a new monetization product as you can read in the email.
and yes i’m 100% sure you can’t upload a video on a page you own, and upload the same video on another page you own too, and still got the reach and monetization intact.
try it and you will see a huge drop in RPM and adbreak appearance on your videos